I know, I know . . . It's been a while . . .
. . .But, things have been pretty crazy in my neck of the woods. I mentioned before that I was waiting to hear about another job that I had applied and interviewed twice for. Well, I am happy to say that I was offered and accepted my new position as a recruiter for a fairly large private organization in Washington, DC. I know that I have only been at my current job for 8 months, but it had to be done. The things that I was told that I would be able to do here just haven't happened and don't look likely to really happen any time soon. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands and find something that I would like better; and I think that I did.
My last day is Nov. 4 and I start the following Monday at the new gig. Everyone thinks that I should take some time off, but I would just rather jump right in and get started. Plus, Thanksgiving will be a few weeks off from then so I'll have a few days off for that. Anyway, I am really looking forward to being back in the mix of things . . . at least during the day. I still have to go back to suburbia at night. Oh well, you can't have it all I suppose (but damn it, I sure am trying to!).
One of the great things about this new job is that I will be working just across the hall from Chip! All of the other people that I have met, thus far, seem really nice (though I think that they will provide a lot of food for a blog), but I have to say that it will be nice seeing my best friend on a daily basis again. It will be almost like we are back in law school, only we won't have that ridiculous amount of stress to deal with now!
It was more difficult that I thought to make the decision to leave my current job. While my boss drives me absolutely insane, there is definitely a certain amount of comfort that I have here. I am pretty much able to come and go as I please (of course I don't abuse it) and things are very laid back. If I was a little older, maybe with a kid or two, this would probably be perfect. But, what I didn't want to have happen was that I get complacent here and then go somewhere else and actually have to do work, only to look at the people like they are crazy to actually ask me to do something. I wanted to keep my interest in being challenged and being busy at its highest. A new change of environment was certainly in order.
In the meantime, Honey was planning on giving his two week notice on the same day that I was giving mine. The difference was, Honey called me at about 7:30 Monday morning to tell me that he was actually quitting that day. It seems that while he had a few days off, his asshole supervisor decided to schedule Honey with late shifts on the two nights in the week that Honey has classes. To add insult to injury, the Asshole also forbid anyone from taking Honey's shifts and required that everyone do there own, NO EXCEPTIONS! Well, with that scheduling move, Honey would have missed two weeks of classes. That wasn't going to happen so he quit right then and there. Actually, he went to the contract headquarters and told his actual boss that he was quitting; I wish he would have told the Asshole that he could kiss his ass now 'cause he's out. But, Honey did the right thing and avoided a conflict. So, I have a stay-at-home husband now . . . well, at least I have for the last 3 days.
Today he has an interview with another contractor. This one seems rather normal if that is at all possible in that line of work. It's for part-time work, which is what he was planning on doing once he started school full-time next semester. It's happening a little earlier than expected, but we'll manage. Hopefully, all will go well today and he will be up and working (part-time) in no time. So, now you see why I haven't written in a minute. Be back soon.
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